Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pre-Abortion Sonogram

On Tuesday February 1, 2012, Texas health officials began enforcing a new law that requires them to provide a pregnant woman who is seeking an abortion, with a sonogram of her embryo or fetus along with a full description of its development, before executing said abortion.
I have always been on the fence when it came to abortion.  I am Pro-life with a few exceptions to Pro-choice where intercourse was not consensual which resulted in conception.  BUT in other situations, I strongly believe that a person should take responsibility for their actions.  If you are responsible enough to have sex, you are responsible to live with the consequences of becoming pregnant. In these situations, abortion is just an easy way out. That is my opinion.
Regarding the law in Texas, I wonder if this law will be contested in the near future.  Though I agree with it 100% and a woman should know the nature in every aspect that she is pursuing, I am open minded enough to see that this could very possibly upset a lot of people.  Duress being the key here.
What do you think?



  1. I lived in Maine and the state of Maine has been doing that same thing for some time. The woman is showed her sonogram and hears the heart beats. I know you said if people are responsible, but that is the rubb, people are not that responsible and especially teenagers.I do believe that we all need to be responsible for our actions.

  2. I'm inclined to decide in favor of mandatory sonograms for abortion procedures, if and only if there is no harm presented to the woman by the sonogram. I don't know if there have been studies about whether sonograms present harm to the woman, but it seems to me that because sonograms are lawful, there hasn't been any evidence showing they do cause harm, thus, I as of now I am in favor of such a law.

    However, I say this in the context of the following: I think mandatory sonograms should be required for those who are getting an abortion at an institution that receives federal or state funding or at a federal or state run institution. I do not have an opinion as of now as to whether completely private institutions should be forced by law to require mandatory sonograms for abortion applicants. I'm inclined to believe completely private institutions (completely owned and funded privately) shouldn't be forced, but my opinion can be swayed with further argument and evidence.
