Sunday, April 15, 2012

Larry Echo Hawk

On April 27, 2012, Larry Echo Hawk will resign from his position in Washington DC as a member of the Bureau of Indian Affairs since 2009.

In his work in the BIA, Larry has lifted many barriers between the Indian Tribes of the US and the government.  A 13 year lawsuit again between the two bodies over billions of dollars is just one of the many conflicts Larry aided in. "There is no doubt that in the last three years a new era for tribal relations with the United States had emerged and Larry Echo Hawk played no small part in it...he listened with great conviction, setting a tone for consultation that we must always ensure is reflected in the federal government's approach to nation-to-nation meetings." -Jacqueline Pata

We all know of the history that scars this nation between the US government and the Indian Tribes of this nation.  The ability Larry brought tot he table mended some hard feelings and allowed for better relations.  It is important to remember law but we need to remember the negotiations that play a part.

1 comment:

  1. My dad was a laison between the Navajo Tribe and the U.S. Government. I have heard several stories of how important it is for relationships as well as negotiations. Negotiations will always go better if there are good relationships between the parties.
